Action Stations
People all over Britain have been to see Stupid and left the cinema feeling inspired to take action. This page will document some of the stuff they've been up to until the Not Stupid website launches properly...
Not Stupid at the UN Climate talks in Bonn - AOSIS Rocks
Maldivian Delegation
At the UN Intercessional meeting in Bonn in April, the strongest commitments to reduce emissions came yet again from the Alliance Of Small Island States (AOSIS). The 43 nations that make up AOSIS literally cannot live with the lame targets being proposed by most developed nations - their countries will almost certainly vanish beneath the waves with a 2˚C temperature rise. As they put it,
“We do not want to be looking at options to relocate our populations. We want to take strong mitigation action so that such a scenario is not necessary... Either we accept a higher stablisation level and high impacts, or Annex 1 has to do more.”
AOSIS are demanding stabilisation of atmospheric CO2eq at 350ppm or less, in line with the latest science. We're already at something like 385ppm now, which gives you an idea of the scale of the challenge they face in having such a target agreed. So in light of this the Maldives, on behalf of AOSIS, were certified NOT STUPID by the International Youth Delegation - becoming the first ever recipients of an official Not Stupid Certificate (Martin Durkin, of Great Global Warming Swindle infamy, has already become the first recipient of a corresponding Stupid Certificate). Here you can see the delightful Maldivian delegation being handed the certificate by Team Stupid's Nic Seton.
The winning team
The Maldivian delegation only look so teeny in these pictures because Nic is nearly 8 foot tall.
The first ever Not Stupid Certificate
Team Stupid hope that this will be the first of many such certificates - although at the moment, there are scarcely any worthy recipients, at least not involved in the UNFCCC process...
Stupid, Stupid Belfast Airport
Young Greens, Big Certificate
Northern Ireland Young Greens - they may be young, but they've got a really big Stupid Certificate, this time for Brian Ambrose, the CEO of Belfast City Airport. He's proposing a whole lot more runway for his airport. While the younguns handed over the certificate, NI Greens appealed to Sammy Wilson, the Environment Minister, to launch a full inquiry into the expansion plans. It's safe to say they're not holding their breath.
The Soil Association
Were so annoyed by the massive bit of BP greenwash outside their offices in Bristol they were inspired by seeing Stupid to go and do something about it.
BP Greenwash alert
Soil Association Campaigns Director, Robin Maynard said,
"Working for the Soil Association, which seeks to promote genuine sustainability, when the BP ad was stuck right outside my office window - like several of my colleagues, I couldn't ignore such a distortion of the truth.
"The facts are that 93% of BP's investments continues to be in oil and other fossil-fuels, while less than 5% are directed at truly renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, the remnant in the more controversial 'biofuels'.
BP is currently the top company in the FTSE100. It is also one of the world's largest single corporate emitters of the greenhouse gases driving climate change. In 2007 alone the company released over 63 million tonnes of CO2 into the Earth's atmosphere, roughly equivalent to the total emissions of Portugal.
The People's OBE
The People's OBE
Some kindly types have knocked up an alternative OBE for Pete Postlethwaite, in case he has to give his back in disgust. The award for Outstanding Bravery for the Earth is made from recycled cans apparently.
Pete receiving his new OBE
Blimey it's massive.
Random souls
Billboard poster attack!
Not Stupid Awards Scotland
FoE and WDM Scotland held an awards ceremony for Stupid climate bunglers. See the show here:
Not Stupid Awards from FoE Scotland on Vimeo.
Donald Trump Tops Scottish Stupid Awards
Financial Times 2020? "Demand the Impossible"
Spoof newspaper from 2020 - we did change history!
The Clever Crew
The mysterious network of activists known only as the Clever Crew have been getting busy all over the place. You can see some of the stuff they've been up to below.
Kingsnorth Coal Power Station
Kingsnorth Coal Power Station is definitely Stupid
Wind turbines conversely are Not Stupid
Happy days
The Royal Bank of Scotland is Stupid
RBS call themselves 'the oil and gas bank' - but they fund a lot of coal interests too.
Taking trains instead of planes is Not Stupid
Kings Cross Stop Airport Expansion Flashmobbers are Not Stupid
Manchester Stop Airport Expansion Flashmobbers are Not Stupid either
The are over 30 Stupid flights from Heathrow to Manchester every day
Shell is Stupid
This March Shell dropped all investment in renewable energy in favour of biofuels - which have been shown to have higher per-unit-of-energy greenhouse gas emissions than the fossil fuels they are supposed to replace. Biofuels also destroy habitats and drive up food prices as engines are fed while the poor starve.
BP is Stupid
BP are the acknowledged world leaders in greenwash. They spent more money just on their new 'Beyond Petroleum' logo in 2000 than they did on actually investing in renewable energy.
Esso is Stupid
Esso's parent company ExxonMobil spent many years and many millions of dollars funding climate change denial 'think-tanks', in a repeat of the tobacco industry's tactics to prevent people discovering that smoking causes cancer.
Travelling to Paris by train is Not Stupid
Paris remains the top destination from Heathrow airport, despite the fact that we built a tunnel under the sea to get there.