All happening in Poland

Location | Mood | Date 9 December 2008
Author (full name): 
Franny Armstrong
9 December 2008


Last night's screening here at the UN Climate talks was way better than we could've hoped. The little room we were all set up in got too crowded, so we had to move to a great big hall five minutes before kickoff. Try explaining "we need to change the aspect ratio" and "can you please cut the bass in the back speakers" to one surly Polish technician who doesn't understand a word of English while another refuses to move chairs and a third refuses to turn the lights off.

There were a zillion NGOs there - from America, UK, Ukraine, France, Russia, Malaysia, Germany, Sweden, Italy and India - all keen to join the Not Stupid efforts next year. And we were even joined by four real live delegates - from Pakistan, Italy, Brazil and Papua New Guinea. They all nodded enthusiastically when I put them on the spot and asked whether the film could ever hope to change policy. Whether that counts as a formal agreement to be written into the final treaty, I'm not sure.

Short video about the screening here, photos coming soon:

Best of all, we made a big new fan in Stuart Scott from the Climate Project, one of Al Gore's army of mini-mes. Stuart has somehow managed to wangle us another screening tomorrow, this time in the official programme and the main building rather than on the outskirts. Invite attached - please forward to any friends and cohorts in Poznan.

Stupid is going to be featured on Virtual Poznan tonight at 17.30 GMT - I'll be blabbing away and showing clips - so you can join the conference without burning a drop of aviation fuel.

Big hand to Plane Stupid for their Stansted triumph - -  though they did stop a friend of mine who was supposed to do a presentation out here in Poznan on how bad the aviation industry is... That'll teach him to get the train next time.

Yours exhaustedly,