Anyone got any more superlatives?

Location | Mood | Date 14 March 2009
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Author (full name): 
Franny Armstrong
14 March 2009


Too many amazing things have happened. I've run out of superlatives, so am resorting to a list. Full prose will resume at the earliest opportunity.

Tabloid Revolution: Three million people will have choked on their cornflakes this morning when they read Pete's column in the Sun. See attached. "We - that is humanity - have only a couple of years left to act if we are to stop catastrophic climate change causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of people." In The Sun.

The 1% event: our eco-auditors have confirmed that our premiere will emit 1% of the emissions of a Hollywood-style premiere. All that emissions-pinching has been worth it, mega kudos to Ella and her merry gals. Full report will be up on the website soon. Interestingly, if one person flew LA-> London that would be more emissions than the whole event.

Astroturf: Astro Man saved the green carpet day by lending us a long strip of astroturf. Not just reused, but going off afterwards to be used again. Result.

Guiness Book of Records: Yes we will be the biggest simultaneous premiere in film history. The "simultaneous" is highly important: without it, Star Wars pips us to the post.

Flyposters: are apparently up all over London. Has anyone seen them? Could you send a photo?

Website: visitor numbers have doubled every day for the last three days

Outfits: Vivienne Westwood offered to dress Lizzie and me. Doesn't she realise what we look like?

Tent:  Lizzie was down at Bird's Eye Film festival tonight, picking up a Best Documentary award, as you do. She came back via Leicester Square and apparently there's loads of people there putting up a giant tent.... see attached.... how strange....

Countdown: Pete's clock has arrived (see attached)

Book: we've had four publishers contact us this week, all after the book-of-the-film

Junket: Pete and I stormed through interviews with CNN, BBC, Ch 4, Sky, Guardian, Total Film, Film 24 and the Shropshire Star yesterday at out very own junket.

Cute 1: Daniel V's mum put up the poster in the Samaritans shop she works in in Brent and four customers asked whether they could buy it

Cute 2: Daniel C heard two people discussing Stupid on the bus

Cute 3: John from Greenpeace's kids said that everyone is talking about Stupid in the playground at their school

Cute 4: Archive researcher Beth has received 26 emails from friends telling her she should see a new film called Stupid. She replies that she worked on it for five months.

Cute 5: Investors Fred and Fenella loaned their amazing eco-house for the junket and ended up being interviewed by loads of the journos

Cute 6: A woman who saw it at a preview screening last week emailed all her friends and said they had to go to the premiere - and if they are under 30 she will buy their tickets

Latest press:
- CNN: "Want to be a movie revolutionary? Just follow the crowd"
- CBS:  "There's nothing stopping us except ourselves"
- Reuters: "We've just got a couple of years left to act, maximum"
- Pete Postlethwaite video interview on The Guardian
-  Independent: "Crowd with a silver lining: new climate film has found a novel way of raising cash"

Over and out,
Franny, taking exhaustion to whole new levels
(I used to feel guilty about having a day off, then it was an hour, but now I feel bad if I stop for 10 minutes)