£180,000 worth of help

Date 8th Jul 2009

Final Round of Fundraising Launched - Please help

 With just five months left till Copenhagen, Stupid's mission to reach 250 million viewers is ratcheting ever upwards. The Australasian Premiere is now confirmed for August 19th -  just six weeks, yikes -  and the Global Premiere in New York, satellite-linked to 45 countries, is hot on its heels on 21st September.


Not coincidentally, 21st Sept is the day before the UN General Assembly, when 80 world leaders - and a good chunk of the media - will be gathered in Manhatten to discuss climate action. So clearly our aim is to influence them.

Just one problem: supplies to the front line are somewhat stretched. There's a whole lot of cage-rattling and boat-rocking the film needs to do around the world, and not enough weng to do it. In light of this, Team Stupid are offering our supporters one of the following:

a) A "share" of minimum £5,000. There are £100,000 worth up for grabs. You know the deal by now: you give us some cash, we give you a slice of the Stupid pie. If not, there's more info here or contact our new head of finance, Andrew Douglas, on andrew@ageofstupid.net if you'd like a chat. For anyone already invested - don't worry, we're flogging some of our own remaining shares, not changing the terms of your investments.

If you're quick and get in before Monday 13th July, then you will be able to get your name into the credits at the end of the film. Franny is going back into the studio to make a couple of corrections before making the master which will be used in America. So she can add your name -  as well as the names of everyone who invested earlier this year, but didn't make it on because the UK master was already finished. 

b) You know when you sponsor a goat for a family in a far away country, or a hospital wing? No? Well, then this next thing is a bit like a wedding list. Basically we've budgeted for some of the cool stuff we know we need for the Global Premiere, and helpfully provided a list with all of the prices attached, which you can see here.

We'd be genuinely touched if you decided to sponsor the photographers, for instance. Or the crowd control barriers. Every time we see the thing you paid for we'll be reminded of your generous contribution and think of you warmly.