Get Widgetating

Date 15th Feb 2009

I've just been down into the experimental wing of the Stupid HQ where Tom, our very own version of James Bond's 'M', has been beavering away testing out prototype weapons in the Stupid mission to combat ignorance and apathy. As such I can exclusively reveal that Team Stupid has just brought forth into the cyberworld a cunning new promotional tool from the forefront of viral technology - the Stupid Widget. This small virtual device is constructed from nothing but a few lines of code which can be copied and pasted willy-nilly all over the internet, thus helping to propagate the Stupid Gospel to all four corners of the Earth.

Today's activists are no longer confined to agitating in the streets, or over the airwaves using mere written or spoken word - now we can plug into the mainframe and widgetate there too. Get widgetating!

The Stupid Widget

What will they think of next?