Michel Fauquet - Tchouky
Skiing Cameraman
Chamonix, France Day job:
Adventure sport cameraman Dream job:
Skiing cameraman Film:
The Age of Stupid Jet, jeep, bus or bike:
Skis, snowboard, helicopter or surfboard Original connection:
I replied to a post sent to all French & Swiss mountain guides asking for help Memorable moment:
Skiing down La Vallee Blanche with Fernand & his two great grandchildren Biography:
I'm a mountain guide in Chamonix but I'm also cameraman, specialised in shooting in difficult terrain. I was born in Marseille and my parents still live there. I replied to a posting from the filmmakers back in December 2005 when they were looking for an old mountain guide. I told them I wasn't the character they were looking for but that I could helop organise the filming. I am featured in the book, 'Kiss or Kill: Confessions of a Serial Climber'.
Directing in the snow:
Director Franny Armstrong bossing round cameraman Tchouky.