Rich Quick
I'm a web designer who used to live on a boat.
I'm currently Creative Director at, a website which is kinda like Facebook meets YouTube meets Just Giving. Basically we use documentaries and political films to create a focus around which discussion and activism can happen. And I've got the coolest job because I get to go "oooh .. let's do this".
Here's a few random words that might tell you more about me .. or might not .. on the off chance you're bothered:
Silly name, my houseboat was green and red, I'm Cornish, lived in the BVI, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, css, accessibility, wrote a book (did I mention that?), journalist, historian, atheist, maths, evolution, Dani, mountain bikes, Apple fanboi, SxSW Web Awards finalist, support Plymouth and Liverpool, don't drive, love trains, love travelling, insomniac, driven, designer, occasionally brilliant, obsessed by type, love me or hate me, hip hop, pop, rarely read fiction, perceptive, Old San Juan, brunettes, fancy myself as a speech writer, multitalented - or so I claim, Dawkins, Obama (from way before most people), to Kill a Mockingbird, Moleskines, Red Stripe, barcamps, grass roots, Buff, supporting young web designers, loud, deaf, ambitious, confident, strong, Things, JoJo, Adobe Fireworks, the Sea, curves, Eggnog Latte, film, walking and thinking, the sand between my toes, the dunes at Hayle, a rest, Contact, American Beauty, born on St. Patrick's Day, a bit of peace and quiet, the power of the Web to do good, I really should go to bed.