Promote & Win.

So you've bought your tickets for the Global Premiere on the 21st and 22nd of September and now you're sitting around twiddling your thumbs.
Do these 5 simple things to promote us and you'll be entered into our competition to win our Stupid Goody Bag.

Back to main website
Embed our widget into your website, blog, mySpace, campus or company intranet, local forums etc. Anywhere where you want to tell people about The Age of Stupid.

Then just press Ctrl+V into your site
Make a poster, for your nearest screening. Put it up at school, in cafés, community halls, anywhere you think it will be seen.

Tell all your friends, tell them about the film, get them to buy tickets, then get them to come back here and help promote the Global Premiere. (Don't worry, we won't be spamming them, just one email from you).

When you put in their email, also put in which country they are in so we can give them the exact link to their listings page.

Post about us on all your social networks. So, so, so important that people hear about in places we have no ability to reach, with no marketing money. Social networks are vital in spreading the news about the film and the One Night Only Event..

Finally, join our mailing list. If you've done the other 4 steps, you'll be entered into the competition to win the lovely Stupid goody bag.