Team Stupid Australia
Josie Wilson
Josie Wilson, Green Elephant Events
Green Elephant Events is a Sydney based event management company which specialises in providing eco-efficient event solutions. Green Elephant Events are managing the event production aspects of the Australian premiere at Sydney Theatre.
Monica Fernandez
Monica Fernandez, Green Elephant Events
Green Elephant Events is a Sydney based event management company which specialises in providing eco-efficient event solutions. Green Elephant Events are managing the event production aspects of the Australian premiere at Sydney Theatre.
Monica Fernandez
Partner | Green Elephant Events
02 9571 6009 | 0404 809 139
PO Box 314, Glebe NSW 2037
Annette Smith, along with her colleague Linda Airey, will be handling all aspects of the national publicity campaign for the Australian theatrical release and Gala Premiere on August 19.
Jackie Buckingham - Australian eNGO co-ordination
Jackie's Stupid journey began at the UK preview last September - afterwards introducing herself to Lizzie "just in case you need an Aussie contact", and the rest is history! Since then Jackie helped co-ordinate eNGO previews in Sydney and Melbourne, and is working with Josh to co-ordinate NGO involvement in the Australian premiere, and can't wait for the Aussie public to see this incredible film!
Josh Wyndham-Kidd – Australian NGO Coordination
Josh began his Stupid journey on the floor of a UN negotiation session in Poland when he watched the film's trailer on Dan’s laptop; this was his first clue that working with the Age of Stupid was not going to involve many normal days in the office. He works with Australian NGOs to make the film’s run down under as big as possible! Get in touch with him at if your organisation would like to partner with the film in the lead-up to Copenhagen.