December, 2008

87 days to go

Location | Mood | Date 23 December 2008
Hello, We're very happy to say that the UK cinema release of whatsitcalled has been confirmed for March 20th 2009. Phew, that was hard work. We have eight cinemas signed up so far - bear in mind that Inconvenient Truth started in four, or maybe it was three - but we're hoping to get that up to about twelve. Whether it goes on to 300 screens in week two, or gets dumped in the bin, depends on how many bums we get on seats in week one. (New slogan: get on your arse for climate change.)

Bursting at seams in Poznan

Location COP14, Poznan, Poland | Mood PODNIECONY | Date 9 December 2008
  Last night's screening here at the UN Climate talks was way better than we could've hoped.

All happening in Poland

Location | Mood | Date 9 December 2008
Greetings, Last night's screening here at the UN Climate talks was way better than we could've hoped. The little room we were all set up in got too crowded, so we had to move to a great big hall five minutes before kickoff. Try explaining "we need to change the aspect ratio" and "can you please cut the bass in the back speakers" to one surly Polish technician who doesn't understand a word of English while another refuses to move chairs and a third refuses to turn the lights off.

Poznan 2 - Meet Yvo de Boer

Location | Mood | Date 8 December 2008
Hello Insiders, Hopefully some of you saw Franny live from Poznan on oneclimate last night. Tonight they've got someone arguably more important than her on the show, though surely he can't beat her on words-per-minute. Yvo de Boer, the UN's top climate negotiator, is on the show and will be answering questions from viewers online and in Second Life. The show is from 5:30-6:30pm and you can watch it online at: